Line route study

    Many years of experience and acquired skills are needed in order to study and consequently to choose the best economical and technical transmission line route.

    Activities consist of obtaining all the necessary information from different sources such as:

    The activities consist to collect all the necessary information like:
    -- Digital cartography, scanning and geo-referencing of topographical maps....
    -- Digitization of topographic maps and their contour line to generate 3D terrain models.
    -- Processing satellite or aerial photogrammetric images even those coming from Drones.
    -- Processing Data Terrain Model (DTM).
    -- Study and evaluation of the hypothetical Line Route and its possible alternatives, avoiding as much as possible to interfere with technical, economic and environmental issues.
    -- Processing satellite image or aerial photogrammetric image by drones.
    -- Moreover during the study is taken in high consideration the accessibility of the line. This for obvious reasons both technical and economic impact during the construction operations and future Transmission Line maintenance activities
    -- On longitudinal profiles relative to axis line and its possible alternatives ,obtained from DTM, we proceed with TOWER SPOTTING in order to identify possible critical problems from technical and economical point of view.

    Subsequently,after the site visit, we proceed to materialize in the field the monuments or markers as Benchmarks for the transmission line angle points.


    To determine the optimal line route are also considered the enviromental and economical fact that occur during the construction activities:

    -- Morphology of the area (plains, hills, mountains).
    -- Environmental constraints.
    -- Masterplanning or city regulations of the affected areas.

    -- Difficulty access for the construction and stringing operations.
    -- Presence of major crossings such as roads, highways, existing power lines, railways, etc..
  • -- Define the best economical line route accordingly to the tower capability
    -- Define tower capability from different line route alternative
    -- Choice of best line route according to the customer techinichal specifications.



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